The artificial intelligence will be free of the quarantine?

There are the operations that can perfom and others not.

There are operations that an automaton can perform and others cannot. I spent a lot (maybe too much) time looking for procedures and systems that would allow me to work less and feel truly free.

If happiness is doing what you want to do in the place you want to be, sometimes I am not happy.

My office, the place where it is located and my work room are beautiful. I was lucky enough to live most of the time in beauty, doing a job that I like. Still often I would like to be elsewhere and feel free.

I would like to contribute my experience and knowledge, accumulated over years of study and work, online, from wherever I may be at that moment.

I completed this path in a distressing way: the Coronavirus pandemic forces me to use only communications via email, Wildix, Gotomeeting, Zoom and so on, but when all this ends I hope to be able to continue in this way, in the hope that my customers will are used to seeing me like this.

In the meantime, with my team, I have worked out the procedures.

We had already signed two agreements with artificial intelligence conventions. The first provided us with technical support for the automatic selection and analysis of documents and for reporting anomalies, the second allows us to interact, automatically and intelligently, with the customer (chatbot).

We have completed the first phase of the education of the systems and integrated them with our proprietary algorithm for overlapping floor plans.

Our innovative start-up is now in a position to insert the documents, as received from the customer, verify their completeness, report any anomalies. With the help of our algorithm, we identify, as far as possible, the discrepancies between the state of affairs, the land registry and the original building permit.

Our system also responds to user queries, drawing on a copious library of frequent answers (the so-called FAQs). Human intervention is minimal and the platform learns every day, recognizing more and more documents and answering an ever-increasing number of questions.

In theory, at the end of this phase the real online consultancy begins.

Anyone who wants to identify and solve the problems of a property can, with me and my collaborators, fill out an online questionnaire, through which we examine the documentation and measure the “temperature” of the property, identifying problems and suggesting solutions. By superimposing all the building titles that have a mix over time, we compare the ante operam of a title with the post operam of the previous one; we report unjustified discrepancies (building abuses); where possible, we indicate the procedures for amnestying or taxing the abuse.

Not satisfied, we have updated the platform by training it to operate also in the non-performing loans sector (NPL and UTP) and we are starting to work on the typical procedures of company crisis periods (Articles 67 and 182-bis of the bankruptcy law).

All this I can do wherever I am.

In conclusion, I work a lot more to work as a true “freelancer”. If you are intrigued, I recommend a visit to the site of the innovative start-up.

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