Hi! Today I'm here to tell you about OrganizeREDD, one of the two software tools that REDD uses in the Document Due Diligence process. As I...
5 FAQ of the week (27-31 July)
Here are the top 5 most requested FAQs of the week! #1 I have house plans but they don't match the land registry plans. What does that mean? Good....
The 5 FAQ of the week (3-7 August)
#1 Why is the 20-year notarial report important? It is a document that contains the mortgage and cadastral history of a property over the last...
The 5 FAQ of the week (20-24 July)
Here are the 5 most requested FAQs of the week! # 1 I want to buy an apartment. What documents do I need? Many are convinced that it is enough to...
The 5 FAQ of the week (31 August-5 September)
# 1 What is meant by a confirmation deposit and how much is it? I cannot tell you exactly how much the deposit to pay for the purchase of your...
Welcome to the REDD world!
Welcome back! As I mentioned in my first page of my diary (if you haven't read it, run and do it!), Week by week I will talk to you about me and my...
What if the plans I own do not correspond to reality? Meet comparedd
In my previous diary page I told you about OrganizeREDD, one of the two software used by REDD in the document due diligence process. If you haven't...
Organizeredd: manage your real estate documents with artificial intelligence
Born from an idea of the lawyer Riccardo Delli Santi, dean of Italian real estate law, since 2018 we have been training artificial intelligence on...
Superbonus 110%, what is the legitimate status of the property?
The well-known Superbonus, provided for by art. 119 of the Relaunch Decree (DL n. or infrastructure for charging electric vehicles. It should be...
Real estate documents and digitization
There is a lot of talk these days about digitization. One of the highlights of the Next Generation Plan is precisely centered on this activity. It...
Artificial intelligence and bad credits. A revolution in document management.
As a start-up with a high technological value operating in Real Estate, REDD has recently entered a sector, that of non-performing loans, which is...
Buying a house safely? Here are the main steps!
Buying a house is an extremely delicate thing: an investment that requires considerable sacrifices and, above all, not a little forethought. Usually...
Hi! My name is REDDIE and I am the first virtual assistant for the real estate world.You may be wondering what a virtual assistant is. Don't worry,...
You have to buy a house and don’t know which documents you need? Redd suggests which they are.
When you buy a house or when you want to sell it, the first thing to do is to check which documents you have available. If you are the owner, you...
The artificial intelligence will be free of the quarantine?
There are the operations that can perfom and others not. There are operations that an automaton can perform and others cannot. I spent a lot (maybe...
Why is it important to check the plans before buying a property?
Let's talk about the land registry.The land registry, now merged into the Revenue Agency, is the inventory of all real estate, whether land or...
Real estate and building documents, in Italy and Abroad.
Asset management companies (SGR) are well aware that reporting to the Bank of Italy requires intense compilation work which is often done manually....
How to read a cadastral survey
If you are reading this article it is probably because our virtual assistant REDDIE has directed you to this page. Below you will find a simple but...